
Posted by Junjie Hua on August 2, 2019


1. Papers and books published in academic journals (including bulletins and journals)


2. Explanations and reviews in academic and commercial magazines


3. Presentation at an international conference

【3-1】Hiroki Miyamoto, Naoki Nebara, Junjie Hua, Masahiro Furukawa, Taro Maeda, “Wave Field Synthesis on Water Membrance to Clone Two Dimensional Rubbing Sensation,” World Haptics, Tokyo, July, 2019.[査読あり,デモ発表]

【3-2】Junjie Hua,Masahiro Furukawa,Taro Maeda,“Contribution to Ownership and Agency When Controlling a mobile Robot,”ICAT-EGVE2018,Cyprus,November,2018.[査読あり,ポスター発表]

【3-3】Nan Yang, Xueyan Wang, Wei Lu , Jun Xu, Maoyan Wang , Junjie Hua , Zhihui Cao, “A broadband pulse detector for K- and Ka-band”, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic Devices, Beijing, China, 2013.[査読あり,口頭発表]

4. Presentations at domestic academic conferences and symposiums

【4-1】華 俊杰,古川 正紘,前田 太郎,“移動ロボットに対するOwnership/agencyの構成要因,”テレイグジスタンス研究会,名古屋,7月,2018.[査読なし,口頭発表]

【4-2】華 俊杰,古川 正紘,安藤 英由樹,前田 太郎,“温度感覚を反映する電気信号の解析”,第22回バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集,徳島,9月,2017.[査読なし,口頭発表]

【4-3】華 俊杰,鄭文韜,沈靖程,安藤 英由樹,“柔軟性を持つ温度感覚提示デバイスを用いたファイアボール発射体験”,Entertainment Computing 2019,福岡,9月,2019.[査読なし,デモ発表]

5. Patent etc.
